Even as records faded away and even cassettes became obsolete I carried my old Walkman. I never cared much for CD’s. They seemed expensive and disconnected from the music. As trendy as it may sound, I preferred the vinyl, even as a kid. I will never forget before we could afford a VHS player pulling out my mother’s portable record player and listening over and over again to old Disney records. There are albums today that I have never owned on CD, and have no desire.
If you still go to record stores you may hear that vinyl is making a comeback, I have a different opinion, I don’t’ think it ever went away. Someone always had a record player, and I bet if you look in assisted living homes you will find many arthritic 80 year old that can drop the needle in the empty groove designated track number, but can’t figure out what to do with an ipod.
I will do something very simple in this blog, I will buy a record, or dig out and old one, play it on Friday, generally (maybe other days) and write about my experience of the music. If you enjoy reading, send me recommendations. If not… well this isn’t for you anyway.