There is a place inside (a poem about panic)

There is a place inside, deep and hollow
Where echoes abound and silence to harrow

Emily felt it in her brain, and it went down, down.
It is a chamber in my belly, infinite and sound.

It is a vacuum, a hungry ghost
it is insecurity, a plutonian boast
a nothing, a something, an empty so full
so quiet, so loud, and discordant… in order.

They tell me to breathe when I cannot
They tell me to hope with terror so fraught.

And the heart beats loud. in my ears
My chest feels stuck, my breath is gone
and inside a scream, that is never drawn
Inside a pounding where there should be silence.

And fear… fear… fear… fear… fear… fear.

So much fear…

And then collapse, I’m in the land of dreams
Floating endlessly until I see it. A door that takes me home.

Even when I don’t want to go.

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